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My Teaching Blog


Digital Citizenship, Copyright and Creative Commons

The internet has completely altered the way our society functions and though some (like myself) would rather stick to the chalkboards and...

Creating an Anxiety Free Math Classroom

Anxiety has been proven to shut down the frontal cortex of the brain, this means that in a math classroom if students are stressed...

Math is the Secret Language of Art

The face is really a combination of shapes! One of the reasons I fell in love with art is being able to see the symmetries, perfections...

10 Powerful Math Field Trips

1. Measuring Wilderness One of the most important realizations I've had through my journey in Mathematics is that math comes from nature....

How battling my own test anxiety can help students

I suffered from test anxiety my entire life and didn't even realize it. I thought I was just a bad test taker. Once I realized that my...

Technology and Assessment Reflection

I believe that using technology in the classroom should enhance understanding, communication and life skills of every student regardless...

What does growth mindset look like in a classroom?

First, what is growth mindset? Growth mindset is a type of thinking that sets a perfect environment for learning. It can be seen in a...

Seeking relationships between numbers and meaning

I find myself often working with students who get lost in their work and lose sight of what their are trying to accomplish in a math...

Colorado State University

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